Awala wadi is good to eat and good for health.
It’s an excellent source of Vitamin C. Awala is a highly potent form of Vitamin C, and contains much more Vitamin C than is found in oranges. -
It enhances immunity.
It’s high in antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent the body against free radicals. Free radicals are harmful and can damage cells, potentially leading to cancer and other possible diseases.
It reduces inflammation.
It is good for digestion, and helps the body to absorb and assimilate nutrients from the foods we eat.
It strengthens the liver and helps us to flush out toxins.
It’s great for the urinary system. It helps flush out toxins through the urinary system without over-stimulating it.
Great for the skin.
Gives us healthier, more lustrous hair.
Relieves menstrual cramping.If you plan to take Amla specifically to get rid of menstrual cramps, you’ll need to start taking it at least a few weeks before menstruation in order for it to be in your system long enough to have an effect.